Rules and Regulations

School Discipline

  1. Attendance is a must on the on the re-opening day as well as on the last day of each term.
  2. Students will not be permitted to go home between school hours.
  3. Students should be clean and tidy in their dress & belonging.
  4. Students are responsible for the safety of their own belongings. School cannot take responsibility for the loss of the student’s belongings.
  5. Writing or scribbling on walls or dirtying the classroom or damaging any school property is forbidden. Articles damaged by children must be paid for if required at the discretion of the Principal.
  6. No pupil suffering from contagious or infectious disease shall be allowed to attend school.
  7. Collection of money from pupils for any purpose requires prior sanction from the Co-ordinator.
  8. Parents are requested not to give any money to their children, except on written request from the school.
  9. Any change of address should be communicated on time to the office.
  10. Politeness and courtesy of speech and good conduct are expected from the pupil.
  11. Every pupil is expected to contribute to the high moral and spiritual standards of the school by his/her manner and conduct.
  12. Parents and guardians are requested to see that boys come to school with their hair properly
  13. No arrangement will be made for holding special examinations for absentees, before or after the time fixed for the examinations.
  14. Pupils absent for examination on genuine medical grounds should produce necessary medical certificate.
  15. Parents may meet the Principal for any information or for making any complaints. No complaints should be made direct to the class teacher.
  16. A Suggestion Box is kept outside the office room of the school. Parents may feel free to offer their suggestions for the improvement of the school and academic standard.


Issue of T.C

* Last date for applying T.C. 31st January Every year
  1. Transfer certificates will be issued only to those who have fully settled all dues.
  2. A student leaving the school in the middle of the term must pay the fees for the full term.
  3.  * I Term fees will be collected if T.C. applied after the last date.